In July 2020, Global Americans—in collaboration with four regional partner organizations: Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina (CADAL, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Medianálisis (Caracas, Venezuela), Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Monterrey, Mexico), and Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia)—launched a research project dedicated to understanding the dissemination of disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda in Latin America and the Caribbean. Over the past 16 months, these four teams engaged in extensive qualitative and quantitative research and social media monitoring in order to gain insights into the misinformation and disinformation landscapes in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. Global Americans would like to thank the U.S. Department of State for its support of this research.

Read the full report and executive summary (in English)

Click to access 2021.10.28-Global-Americans-Disinformation-Report.pdf

Leer el informe completo o el resumen ejecutivo (en español)

Click to access 2021.11.03-Global-Americans_Reporte-Desinformacion.pdf

Ler o relatório completo ou o sumário executivo (em português)

Click to access Global-Americans-11.10.2021-Impacto-da-Desinformacao.pdf

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, our regional partners conducted analyses of various media outlets and social media platforms in order to determine how information regarding public health statistics, vaccines, and pandemic policy responses is disseminated among and consumed by Latin American audiences. They also engaged in country-specific case studies pertaining to social media activity surrounding elections, social unrest, diplomatic disputes, and other phenomena of urgent import to the six countries covered by the project. All four regional partners found evidence that, considering regional variance and experimental assumptions of representative sampling via social media networks, demonstrates the ubiquity of both foreign-state and domestic efforts to influence public discourse on a multitude of topics both global and local. These findings underscore the need for widespread public access to verified, authentic information in both the traditional press and on social media, in order to promote social stability and governmental integrity and transparency. 

El Impacto de la Desinformación en América Latina y el Caribe (Sept. 27, 2021)

Watch in English

On August 26, Global Americans convened a seminar for journalists, academics, and private sector and civil society leaders from across the Western Hemisphere in order to share the project’s findings, discuss the challenges posed to a free press and open societies by disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda, and to establish a knowledge-sharing network at the front lines of identifying, analyzing, and combatting misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Global Americans is proud to serve as a resource to help promote transparency, veracity, and tested, productive strategies to help mitigate the debilitating consequences of misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda. In order to aid journalists, academics, civil society activists, and media consumers writ large, we have compiled a collection of resources to help determine the origins and accuracy of media content so that we all might be better informed and equipped citizens and media consumers.

Seminario sobre la Desinformación en América Latina y el Caribe (August 26, 2021)


Regional Partners


Articles on Misinformation, Disinformation, and Propaganda in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • Las campañas de desinformación proliferan en América Latina, según expertos (Voz de América)
  • China’s COVID-19 Diplomacy: A Game Changer (Medianálisis)
  • Chinese humanitarian aid between disinformation and tons of propaganda (Medianálisis)
  • Democracia al estilo chino (CADAL; Global Americans)
  • La desinformación y fake news, reflejo de fallas sociales preexistentes: Guy Mentel (Forbes Colombia)
  • Disinformation and fake news reflect pre-existing social fault lines (Global Americans)
  • Disinformation and opacity surround Chinese humanitarian aid (Medianálisis)
  • Disinformation, bubbles, polarization and democracy (Medianálisis)
  • Fake news can only be stopped by the cooperation of institutions, government, and society (Global Americans)
  • Fake news se detendrán solo con unión de instituciones, gobierno y sociedad: Guy Mentel (El Financiero)
  • Lo que esconde la vacuna china (Infobae)
  • The misinformation pandemic: COVID-19 and the chaotic cacophony of lies and distortions (Global Americans)
  • La pandemia de la desinformación: COVID-19 y la cacofonía caótica de las mentiras y las distorsiones (Red/Acción; Excelsior part 1, part 2)
  • Russian Vaccine: The Matryoshka of disinformation (Medianálisis)
  • Sputnik Vac: A Prick of Disinformation (Medianálisis)
  • Sputnik V: Disinformation dosed drop by drop (Medianálisis)
  • Sputnik V in Latin America (Medianálisis)
  • Unfortunate Miracles (Medianálisis)
  • The Vaccine Diplomacy (Medianálisis)


  • China and its great firewall for censorship in Venezuela (Medianálisis)
  • Chinese COVID-19 vaccine and Venezuelan military propaganda (Medianálisis)
  • Chinese COVID-19 vaccine lands in Venezuela (Medianálisis)
  • Cuba in Venezuela: Propaganda deep inside the inner city (Medianálisis)
  • The ‘declassified’ buildup of a disinformation campaign exposed (Medianálisis)
  • Disinformation in Venezuela: Chavismo saturated Twitter (Medianálisis; Global Americans)
  • Disinformation in Venezuela: China reinvents its model in response to COVID-19 (Medianálisis)
  • Disinformation in Venezuela: The Russian factor (Medianálisis)
  • Disinformation on “dark voyages”: Venezuelan oil exports to China (Medianálisis)
  • EpiVacCorona: Another Exercise in Disinformation and Propaganda (Medianálisis)
  • Partisan military propaganda takes Twitter hostage (Medianálisis)
  • Repúblicos: The Venezuelan Alt-Right making its voice heard on the Net (Medianálisis)
  • The Russification of Venezuela (Medianálisis)
  • Side effects of disinformation (Medianálisis)
  • UN Report: A New Enemy, Coverage, and Disinformation on Regime-Aligned Media (Medianálisis)


Brazil and Peru

  • Brazil, democracy, and the “fake news” bill (Global Americans)
  • Lo que Perú debe saber de la vacuna china (LaMula)

Visit the Resources Center to view trainings and tools for those studying disinformation and misinformation.

Read the project appendices here.