
Global Americans’ Commentary is a collection of essays and think pieces from thought leaders across the Americas. 

Our authors provide new and diverse perspectives on key trends, exposing our readers to fresh ideas regarding the biggest stories in the region. 


U.S.-Latin America Relations

Friendshoring: Contradicting Capitalism with Detrimental Regional Consequences

Over a two-day interview, former IDB head Enrique Iglesias expressed concern over how the United States is turning toward protectionism, near-shoring and friend-shoring, and trade ...

Democracy & Elections

Venezuela’s Hope: The Democratic Opposition’s Courageous Stand
By all measures, it is the regime’s most harrowing election in the past 25 years—if Maduro respects the results, it will almost certainly mean relinquishing ...
Gen Z: The Polarization Generation
Gen Z is a polarized generation without strong party affiliations, making it an attractive target for extreme, anti-establishment candidates.
Can South Korea Be a Knight for the U.S. on the Chessboard of Latin America?
Together, the U.S. and South Korea can forge a dynamic foreign policy partnership and a market-oriented, democratic Western Hemisphere.

Human Rights

Austerity Measures Sink Cuba Further into Near Collapse

Overall, the move toward more liberal measures appears to be too little too late, despite pressures from Vietnamese and Chinese Communist Party representatives in recent years strongly advising that Cuba undergo free market-oriented reforms.


Boric’s Lithium Strategy: Will It Backfire?

While increased state participation in Chile’s lithium industry aims to maximize national benefits, the potential downsides must not be overlooked.


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Panama and the Crossfire of Local Environmentalism and the Global Energy Transition

Cobre Panamá indicates that the process of extracting the critical materials is complicated, messy, and disruptive—for all parties involved.

Foreign Affairs

Boric’s Lithium Strategy: Will It Backfire?

While increased state participation in Chile’s lithium industry aims to maximize national benefits, the potential downsides must not be overlooked.

Security & the Rule of Law

Finding a New Way Forward for U.S.-El Salvador Relations
Nayib Bukele's imminent reelection represents an opportunity for the United States to find new—and politically viable—approaches to public security in the region.
What Can U.S. Policymakers Learn from Mexico’s Attacks on Academia?
This power grab will likely gut the Mexican research and development capacity it seeks to protect—politicizing research doesn’t exactly have a stellar track record of ...
For Mexico’s Economy To Grow, Security Issues Need To Be Addressed
Until Mexico reduces the risk of cargo truck hijacking, the country is likely to miss out on billions of dollars of potential new foreign investment.

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