
Global Americans’ Explainers provide timely expert opinion and analysis regarding the current events shaping the Americas as they are happening. 

Our “Explain and Predict” style of analysis gives decision-makers the information they need to respond to the biggest stories of the day and consider how they might impact the region’s future. 


Economics, Trade & Development

Explaining and Predicting: The Americas Act and Its Chances of Becoming Law 

In this explainer we examine the Americas Act, its key provisions and impact for the region, and the prospects for its passage. 

Southern Cone

Explaining and Predicting: How the U.S. Could Help Bolster Chile’s Role in the Critical Mineral Supply Chain
This comprehensive explainer ventures into how the Inflation Reduction Act benefits Chile, its operational dynamics, areas lacking efficacy, and the adjustments required to optimize its ...
Explicando y Prediciendo: Los desafíos de la inserción internacional de Uruguay y las oportunidades comerciales con Estados Unidos
Este artículo analiza la estrategia comercial de Uruguay y sus relaciones con socios clave como el Mercosur, China, la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos, proporcionando ...
Explaining and Predicting the Impact of Latin American Leaders’ Attendance at CPAC 2024
The future of cooperation efforts between the U.S. and Latin American attendees of CPAC rely in part on who wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election, ...

North America

Explaining and Predicting: The Americas Act and Its Chances of Becoming Law 
In this explainer we examine the Americas Act, its key provisions and impact for the region, and the prospects for its passage. 


Explaining and Predicting: Why Ecuador Flouted International Norms to Arrest Its Former Vice President
Should Noboa be successful, we are likely to see more such leaderships emerge in the region, and a public willing to sacrifice some liberties in favor ...

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