Latest from Latin Pulse – December 18th

Politics and diplomacy provide the main themes for Latin Pulse this week. The program marks the anniversary of the diplomatic opening between Cuba and the United States with a special interview recorded in Havana. It also follows the complicated corruption scandal in Brazil that has now intersected with the political movement to impeach and unseat President Dilma Rousseff.

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La ruleta rusa de la gratuidad

Como pasajeros a la espera de un bus del Transantiago que nunca se sabe cuándo llegará, los estudiantes no saben si podrán acceder a la gratuidad porque no ha sido definido cuál será la línea de corte y porque no está claro qué instituciones podrán acceder al beneficio.

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Democracy undermined from within

The real threat from the December 3 constitutional amendments in Ecuador isn’t the possibility of indefinite re-election for President Correa, it’s the way they were approved and their implications for freedom of expression.

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The gang challenge in El Salvador: Worse than you thought

In August 2015, El Salvador registered its bloodiest month since its 1980-1992 civil war. There were 907 murders, including 52 in a single day on August 27. The country is on track to end the year with over 6,000 murders in a population of just 6.4 million, making it the most violent country not at war in the world.

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Mis 43 héroes del 6D

Mis héroes del 6 de diciembre son los 43 venezolanos que votaron a favor de la MUD en la zona popular de Chirgua venciendo el miedo y la coerción para ejercer su derecho a votar libremente.

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