Latest from Latin Pulse – July 15th

This week Latin Pulse includes a wide-ranging discussion of the various crises affecting Venezuela, including the political and economic situations as well as a discussion on the peace process in Colombia and accusations of human rights abuses by the military in Honduras.

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La verdad no tiene remedio

Colocada entre la espada y la pared de seguir repitiendo la promesa de la gratuidad o reconocer que hizo una promesa irrealizable, la Presidenta Bachelet ha optado por negar la realidad. En cambio, ha decidido seguir asegurando que la gratuidad llegó para quedarse y que es cosa de tiempo antes de que llegue a ser universal.

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Tweet or nuke?

While limited to only 140 characters, Twitter has helped many to realize just how thin-skinned Donald Trump truly is, and how fast he is to lash out when he feels slighted. For someone who has proclaimed that his best advisor is himself, the idea of Trump having access to nuclear weapons only a phone call away should give everyone pause.

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The burdens placed on civil society in Latin America

Civil society organizations thrive in healthy democracies, but their role as watchdogs of governments and “gap-fillers” providing where the government is absent, tends to make those in power uncomfortable. In the following piece, we explore how Latin America fares compared to other countries in terms of barriers to civil society.

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