¿Y si Lorenzo se atreve?

Le invito a un ejercicio de política-ficción. Imagine usted que Lorenzo Mendoza, el presidente de Empresas Polar, decide en este 2017 lanzarse a la arena política. Ese hecho solamente, ¿no estaría provocando un cambio de envergadura en el escenario político venezolano?

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A Venezuelan Tragedy

As the year comes to an end, the demise of social order in Venezuela is the chronicle of a foretold death. Though 2016 began with high expectations of a peaceful change in government, neither the Maduro administration nor the opposition have shown the courage and leadership needed to find common ground and to pull the country out of the deep hole it finds itself in. Unfortunately for Venezuelans, who are deeply suffering from the economic, social and political chaos, they have little to look forward to in 2017.

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Can Brazil be saved?

The historical problem Brazil has been unable to solve is the need to build an inclusive economic model that can help alleviate poverty and reduce inequality. That will require cutting subsidies and benefits to interest groups that have long benefitted from fiscal spending. As the year comes to an end, Brazilians will be happy to forget a bad year in terms of politics and the economy. Unfortunately for them, 2017 might not be much better.

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Top articles from 2016

Here are our 10 most-read articles from 2016. Some of the most popular topics: China, populism, Nicaragua, Haiti, Venezuela, new coups and fake coups,  and the “science” of U.S. foreign policy making.  Did your favorites make the list?

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