The art of letting go: A dispatch to Ecuador
Soon Rafael Correa will be an ex-president. Will he go calmly into presidential retirement or noisily wait in the wings for a future return?
Soon Rafael Correa will be an ex-president. Will he go calmly into presidential retirement or noisily wait in the wings for a future return?
If Central America wants to get out of the middle-income trap it would do well to follow Uruguay’s lead and develop a focused, comprehensive industrial policy that builds on the region’s trade advantages.
India’s entry for the Oscars, Visaaranai, didn’t win. But it helped direct attention to a real and all-too-often overlooked problem: police abuse and impunity.
The March 28 OAS Permanent Council discussion on Venezuela was a not-so-subtle rebuke to the failed efforts at dialogue. Instead of acknowledging shifting international opinion, though, the next day Venezuela Supreme Court gave the OAS its sharpest example yet of an “interruption in the constitutional process.” Now what?