Five key learnings for the Biden administration
Examining the post-election landscape of the US and analyzing how the president-elect should tackle major policy on immigration, trade, and the Middle East.
Examining the post-election landscape of the US and analyzing how the president-elect should tackle major policy on immigration, trade, and the Middle East.
Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra was impeached “on the grounds of permanent moral incapacity” over allegations of bribery. Demonstrators gathered in Lima on Tuesday to protest the swearing-in of Manuel Merino—the former head of Peru’s Congress and a key figure in orchestrating the impeachment.
Iván Chanis Barahona is a lawyer, human rights activist, and president of Fundación Iguales, a non-profit organization that promotes the observance and respect of human rights through equality and respect for diversity in society who has just launched a new campaign in Panama.
Desde el exilio, según veo, Leopoldo López podrá compaginar la lucha política -que promete continuar- con una vida familiar de cotidianidad con sus hijos y esposa, y eso me parece un asunto necesario, vital, sencillamente imprescindible.
The strategic position of the Caribbean as the southeastern maritime border of the United States and its link to U.S. commercial and security priorities gives Washington an interest in containing Chinese influence in the Caribbean. All of this potential engagement, however, could be jeopardized should Caribbean governments continue ramping up their security relationship with China.
The risk of violence against Venezuelan migrants in Colombia is increasing as the immigrant population continues to put additional stress on already impacted health, education, and economic systems.
Now that an old friend with a proven track record for multilateralism is set to become the next president of the United States, Latin American governments will have no excuse. They will need to step up to the plate and work with Washington to help solve the complicated problems and challenges that plague the region.
The Peruvian Congress is set to debate whether to again try to impeach President Martin Vizcarra, just over a month after he survived a first impeachment trial. This time, a group of lawmakers accused the president of accepting a bribe of USD $637,000 from two companies that were later awarded public contracts during Vizcarra’s tenure as governor of Moquegua.
Bipartisan congressional policy has driven U.S. strategy in the English-speaking Caribbean during the 21st century and the pillars of the Caribbean 2020 Strategy are unlikely to change no matter the outcome of the elections.
Andrés Cañizales escribe sobre la desinformación y censura en Venezuela causada por desigualdad de acceso a internet.