Lessons from Ecuador on Emigrant Engagement

The incorporation of emigrants into the legislative bodies of their country of origin represents a significant advancement in the ways that governments define their borders and interact with their non-resident citizens.

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Reevaluating the Threat: Terrorism in Latin America

Attacking drug cartel infrastructure indirectly, creating judicial frameworks on terrorism, and raising terrorism as national security concerns—irrespective of U.S.-Israel-EU pressures—should be top of mind for Latin American governments. Terror, whether ideologically or financially motivated, only undermines democracy.

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Bolivia’s Descent into Deep Chaos and the Implications for the Region

The unfolding crisis in Bolivia involves the stability and strategic posture of the country literally at the heart of South America. This turning point also has implications on the future access of Washington’s extra-hemispheric rivals, namely China, Russia, and Iran. With distant, mutually reinforcing global crises elsewhere, Washington’s resources and attention are in ever shorter supply, but Bolivia needs to at least be on its radar screen.

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