A world on the brink…of what?

Premiering this month, intelligence and foreign policy expert Dee Smith presents a five-part Real Vision series that explores the current geopolitical order, rising global threats, the challenges of globalization, and what tomorrow holds.


Technology and globalization have connected us with each other to an extent never seen before. Our era’s industrial revolution has changed the rules for business and policymaking for the good, in general terms, but it has also created a greater disconnect between the general population and the decision makers.

General discontent around the world is no surprise by now. People have become angry and desperate with the current world order. New political actors have stepped in trying to offer alternative solutions, but conflict keeps rising. There’s too much talk about the rise of populist threats, sub-state actors and the increasing risk of global conflict. We’re basically living on the brink…but on the brink of what?

Questioning the liberal order has become business as usual. But have we really stopped to understand why?

Dee Smith, intelligence and foreign policy expert (and a member of the Global Americans High Level Working Group on Inter-American Relations), presents a five-part Real Vision series to explore the current geopolitical order, globalization challenges, rising global threats and what tomorrow holds. In five episodes, Mr. Smith does a deep dive into the critical factors behind this discontent through an analysis of the current world order and how we got here, with unique insider views from leading experts on global affairs and policymaking.

Access the series here and enjoy!

About Dee Smith

Dee Smith is CEO of the global private intelligence agency Strategic Insight Group.  He has worked in more than 90 countries and has served as advisor for over $60 billion in investment transactions. He is also a permanent member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York; Vice Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin; a member of the Bretton Woods Committee in Washington, D.C.; Immediate Past President of the Board of the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations; and a member of the Advisory Board of the Houston Committee on Foreign Relations.

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