The roots of Chile’s protests

The increase in the subway fare in Chile triggered nation-wide protests, but the price hike was the last straw in a series of events that have left Chileans burdened and weary in their everyday lives.

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The fall of Guatemala’s Sandra Torres

Sandra Torres’ arrest comes less than a month after she competed in Guatemala’s presidential run-off election. Her fall reveals what the fight against corruption will look like in a post-CICIG era.

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In Guatemala, Giammattei’s presidency is off to a weak start

Conservative Alejandro Giammattei was elected Guatemala’s new president in a second-round vote last Sunday. With minimum support in Congress and low voter turn, his presidency seems to offer more politics as usual, leaving much-needed reform out of the near future to solve Guatemala’s most pressing issues.

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In Guatemala, a presidential election in disarray

Corruption and an unpopular president have paved the way for a crowded field of mostly unknown presidential hopefuls. After the country’s Constitutional Court ruled against two top contenders, the election shifted from a relatively safe bet to an uncertain race.

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