A Global Americans Review of Boom and Bust in Puerto Rico: How Politics Destroyed an Economic Miracle
How did Puerto Rico, once described as an “economic miracle” end up in such dire straits?
How did Puerto Rico, once described as an “economic miracle” end up in such dire straits?
One does not usually think of bananas as big business, let alone as a factor in the fate of nations.
The Caribbean has long enjoyed a reputation for being one of the most democratic regions in the world. Despite the Caribbean’s seeming confidence in the ballot, however, countries in the region nevertheless face considerable challenges in keeping their democracies alive. Elections alone do not make a democracy; rather, there are many other factors that must be taken into consideration in order to ensure good governance.
A Global Americans interview with Gastón Schulmeister, the Director of the Department against Transnational Organized Crime (DTOC) at the Organization of American States (OAS).
Four years since social unrest gripped French Guiana, the territory has seen marginal improvements; nevertheless, many of the structural problems of the French département persist.
Earlier this month, the findings of Suriname’s National Risk Assessment on anti-money laundering and corruption were released. While the country has made progress, it faces a continued struggle to reshape a history and culture of deep institutional corruption.
2021 could yet prove to be a pivotal year in U.S.-Cuban relations, but much will rest on how domestic politics in both countries play out under their respective leadership.
DePalma focuses on a narrow slice of Havana and a number of its families, creating an excellent read about the lives of “ordinary” citizens.