Damage control

Colombian support for President Donald Trump during the 2020 presidential election threatens to stain the U.S.-Colombia relationship. The task now will be to undertake a full-blown exercise in damage control.

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The view of a new Bolivian president from El Alto

Sitting from a position more among the clouds than the buildings of neighboring cities, El Alto conjures the image of a rising political underdog whose Indigenous voice has managed to reverberate throughout the country in the last decade. As Bolivia returns to MAS leadership under Luis Arce, the highland community has shown that it will continue to elevate the interests of Indigenous and rural groups, amplifying their voices from the mountaintops.

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Introducing the EcoCiencia Foundation

Global Americans is proud to partner with and support the EcoCiencia Foundation, an Ecuadorean organization that conserves biological diversity through scientific research, the recovery of traditional knowledge, and environmental education. Join us for a January 14 fundraiser to promote research and analysis on U.S.-Latin America relations.

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Rebuilding after Iota: a chronicle of an abandonment foretold

The impacts left by Hurricane Iota on the islands of San Andrés and Providencia has added to the sense of dread and abandonment by the central government long felt by the residents of the archipelago. Although the government’s response to the crisis has been swift, there is a sense that more could have been done to mitigate the risks from hurricanes and extreme weather caused by climate change.

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Peru is out of the emergency room, but the prognosis remains guarded

The doctor’s orders are now calling for investigations into cases of human rights violations committed during the citizen protests, the suspension of the selection of members of the Constitutional Court until the next Congress is seated in July 2021, and international monitoring and dialogue between stakeholders who are maintaining the current, fragile stability.

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El Perú salió de la sala de emergencias, pero mantiene un pronóstico reservado

Las órdenes del médico ahora piden la investigación de los casos de violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas durante las protestas ciudadanas, la suspensión de la selección de los miembros de la Corte Constitucional hasta que se asiente el próximo Congreso en julio de 2021, y el seguimiento y diálogo internacional entre los actores que están manteniendo la frágil estabilidad actual.

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Why Peru’s soft coup failed 

Notoriously weak political parties are fueling Peru’s chronic instability. But they also stopped Manuel Merino and his allies from uniting to hold onto power. 

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