Colombia joins the OECD—so what?
On April 28, Colombia became the 37 member of the OECD. Membership into the “club” is a commitment to serve as a modern state capable of advancing the economic and social wellbeing of its citizens.
On April 28, Colombia became the 37 member of the OECD. Membership into the “club” is a commitment to serve as a modern state capable of advancing the economic and social wellbeing of its citizens.
Global Americans and the Canadian Council for the Americas presents a webinar to reflect on the recent events happening in the United States.
Increased dependence on China by both Latin America and the European Union not only generates vulnerabilities for both regions, but also creates strategic risks for the United States.
Latin America’s overcrowded prisons are extremely vulnerable to COVID-19’s high propagation rate. A possible solution is ending preventative detention.
The rise of violence in Colombia highlights the complexity of implementing a peace agreement and how the absence of war does not necessarily guarantee peace.
Governments across Latin America have taken exceptional measures to stop the uncontrollable spread of COVID-19. Faced with this, there is a valid fear that these measures could exacerbate abuses of power or increase human rights violations.
Taking advantage of the demonstrations that flared across Latin America at the end of 2019, outside actors worked to push legitimate social protest to violent extremes as a part of a deliberate destabilization strategy.
Authorities in Bolivia have postponed general elections until further notice amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The presidential contest has turned into a three-way race.
With Latin America headed for an unprecedented economic contraction, here are three expert predictions on the effects of COVID-19 on regional economies.
China’s banks were treading more carefully in Latin America and the Caribbean even before COVID-19. The region should expect more of the same.