Environmental protection in the Americas
A breakdown of domestic performance and adherence to international treaties in the hemisphere.
A breakdown of domestic performance and adherence to international treaties in the hemisphere.
Despite a quiet couple of years for Russian activity in the Americas, waning U.S. influence on multiple fronts could lead to an uptick in influence.
Recent events in Honduras and Bolivia show the corruption of institutions knows no ideological boundaries.
China’s interest in establishing an economic and political presence in Latin America has sparked the region’s growing prominence in Chinese academia.
Three edited volumes illustrate the growing Chinese academic interest in Latin America.
The Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is the latest example of a U.S. retreat from international leadership.
In the most urbanized region in the world, Latin American policymakers need to ensure urbanization goes hand in hand with development.
The UN Climate Change talks are underway in Germany where, alongside the negotiations, myriad actors including many Latin Americans are demonstrating how they are implementing the Paris deal.
The twice-in-a-decade CPC meeting will direct the economic and political course of China for the next five years, and with it, Latin America’s investment, growth and trade opportunities.
The latest Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum shows that, despite successful efforts in certain countries, the region as a whole is still lagging behind.