Latin America needs a plan to China’s Latin America plan

In 2015 China’s two development banks provided upwards of $29 billion in loans to Latin American governments with the promise of more to come. The problem is the region has no mechanism to constructively engage China to help direct and manage these funds. Here’s an idea.

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Entrevista con Mae Montaño

La semana pasada tuvimos la oportunidad de entrevistar a Mae Montaño, Asambleísta Nacional, ingeniera, periodista y activista por los derechos de la mujer, niñez y la familia, y para la inclusión social de la población Afro-Ecuatoriana.

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TPP and RCEP: are we witnessing a regional trade bloc war?

What does the trade war and the flurry of mega-trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)—the first excluding China, the second including China, but excluding the U.S.—mean for global trade and the future of the World Trade Organization?

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El viaje de Obama a América Latina

Está claro que América Latina no es un solo país. Asimismo, a Estados Unidos no le ha quedado otra opción que muchas veces mirar la región como una misma masa de países. Porque si bien los que siguen “gritando contra el imperio” son cada vez menos, los que callan ante esos gritos son cada vez más. Nadie se atreve, en la región, a frenar la ola de discursos vacíos de mea culpa.

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Bids to extend term limits fall short in Bolivia and Ecuador

Morales and Correa remain in power and maintain strong popular support, but their miscalculations have created the best chances yet of opening space for political competition in both countries. It presents an opportunity for political oppositions to rise to the occasion with policy proposals that reestablish checks and balances and strengthen independent institutions. Although the tide is turning against populist authoritarian regimes in Latin America, much remains to be done to restore democratic governance.

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