Gustavo Petro Will Have a Hard Time Getting Things Done
Now that the celebrations are over, Colombia’s new left-wing president faces a mountain of challenges. His biggest challenge will be delivering on his promises.
Now that the celebrations are over, Colombia’s new left-wing president faces a mountain of challenges. His biggest challenge will be delivering on his promises.
In their effort to assuage reluctant partners in the region, U.S. officials risk ignoring Latin American and Caribbean governments that have consistently supported U.S. interests and values.
Hernandez’s campaign’s narrative cannot be “change vs. continuity.” Instead, he must propose a model of change that is different from Petro’s.
Ayudar a Ecuador a negociar un canje de deuda por naturaleza y construir una relación comercial centrada en el medio ambiente deberían ser dos de los muchos enfoques novedosos de la administración de Biden.
Helping Ecuador negotiate a debt-for-nature swap and building environment-centered trade ties should be two of the United States’ many novel approaches ahead of the Summit of the Americas.
Last week, Colombian kingpin Dairo Antonio Úsuga, better known as Otoniel, was extradited to the United States, where he will face drug- and arms-trafficking charges in the Southern District Court of Florida. The 50-year-old Otoniel has been involved in crime since he was an adolescent, as a member of both the left-wing Ejército Popular del Pueblo (EPL) and the right-wing Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC).
Last Monday, at around midnight, President Castillo decreed a state of emergency and total curfew for the province of Lima and the neighboring province of Callao, an area home to nearly 10 million people.
The next government must see the Orange Economy as an opportunity to boost the cultural sector’s productivity, stimulate creative infrastructure, and promote sustainability to empower local creative producers; not as Iván Duque’s legacy project.
¿Es posible tener un no-alineamiento activo mientras se desarrollan situaciones que ponen en riesgo la estabilidad global?