The left and political pragmatism in Latin America

When analyzing Latin America, it is high time we stopped using the imagery of a “pink tide” and stop depicting the region in “good lefts” or “bad lefts.” Despite the rhetoric we often hear from politicians and pundits alike, with few exceptions we are entering an era of pragmatism and centrism.

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Chile’s electoral reform

Earlier this month, Chile completed an overhaul of its system for electing legislators. This year’s reform presents an opportunity to reexamine the fairness of the system.

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Determining and gaining U.S. influence in Latin America

Rather than focusing old time notions of levels of economic and military aid or large inspiring policy declarations, analysts and policymakers should focus their attention where policy and its return (i.e. influence) is most impactful—communication, contact and exchange that improve the daily lives of Latin American and Caribbean citizens.

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