Haiti: The elements of a crisis
Since late 2017 the Haitian government has appeared dangerously rudderless in a number of different policy areas, unable to overcome key challenges. Patience at home and abroad may be wearing thin.
Since late 2017 the Haitian government has appeared dangerously rudderless in a number of different policy areas, unable to overcome key challenges. Patience at home and abroad may be wearing thin.
Despite its claims to the contrary, in advancing its national interest China’s government is remaking the global world order, directly and indirectly. But can the U.S. defend that order?
This is the first edition of the list, which gathers the voices of young individuals who have started to transcend public policy discourse in Latin America.
The OAS has elected three new members to serve six-year terms on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Greater cooperation between countries, states, cities, the private sector and civil society in the U.S. and Latin America can play a vital role in making the hemisphere more secure by improving resilience to climate change.
The pathway toward Haitian political and economic development continues to be paved with good intentions. But the dynamics of Haiti policy are at the mercy of competing, residual policies in the world and in the region.
We spoke to Margaret Myers, one of Global Americans’ 2018 New Generation of Public Intellectuals, to learn about her experience and her view on the future of Latin American dynamics with China and the United States.
At a Summit of the Americas that has been defined by its absences—Maduro, Trump, PPK—the region’s remaining leaders should stand up for free trade and democracy.
Though this year’s summit is likely to be dominated by regional crises, the U.S. and its like-minded partners should still work together to advance a rules-based democratic agenda.
La formación y el desarrollo de agrupaciones industriales pueden impulsar las inversiones y la innovación en los países de la región, haciendo más competitivas a las economías latinoamericanas.