Fostering Hemispheric Solidarity Through Inter-American Education

In particular, discussions around history tend to ignore the need to teach students about Latin America and the Caribbean and how interconnected the world has become. This hole in the U.S. education system is reflected in a lack of attention to the region in U.S. foreign policy. To bolster engagement with the rest of the Americas, the United States should expand its education system’s coverage of Inter-American history and Latin American studies.

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Protestors Demonstrate in Mexico

On Sunday, Mexicans took to the streets across the nation to protest President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s plan to replace the National Electoral Institute (INE) with directly elected delegates.

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We Don’t Talk About LAC

Without public buy-in, it will be difficult for U.S.-Latin American relations to endure changing administrations or the twenty-four-hour news cycle. Connecting U.S. public support and business interests through government action can create avenues for long-lasting policy.

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The Evolution of PRC Engagement in Mexico

AMLO’s increasing need for the PRC and its resources is already manifesting itself in subtle compromises that his administration has made towards Chinese companies with respect to lithium, and possibly electricity generation, among other areas.

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Mexico’s Surge in Violence

Last week, widespread arsons, hijackings, and shootings prompted the government to deploy federal and national guard troops across Mexico. Mexico’s Security Cabinet reported 260 people died during the four days that armed gangs shot civilians, conducted “narco blockades,” and set fire to shops, buses, and cars.

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