Latin America’s “Voto Castigo”

The results of this year’s elections are likely to have a profound effect on the region: either strengthening democratic values or burying them under a mountain of extremism and polarization.

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Suriname, Energy Transition, and Climate Change

Suriname’s prospects of becoming a petrostate improved considerably in September 2023, when France’s TotalEnergies announced that it is commencing studies for developing a USD 9 billion oil and gas project for the Caribbean country’s offshore fields. This project is expected to revitalize the country’s deeply challenged economy and radically reduce poverty. Yet Suriname, like many of its neighbors in the Caribbean and Latin America, faces climate change challenges and is seeking to transition from a dependence on fossil fuels to renewables.

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Primarias Opositoras: retos para la lucha electoral de frente a las presidenciales venezolanas de 2024

La ganadora absoluta del 2023 ha sido el retorno de la ruta electoral como mecanismo de lucha por la democracia que en octubre ha recibido dos grandes espaldarazos. El 18 con la firma del “Acuerdo parcial sobre la promoción de derechos políticos y garantías electorales para todos” entre los representantes del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y de la Plataforma Unitaria opositora en la ciudad de Bridgetown, Barbados. El 22 con la realización de las elecciones primarias opositoras.

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The OAS and a Veiled Coup Attempt in Guatemala

The actions by the Permanent Council and the Secretary General demonstrate the continuing validity of the OAS and its Democratic Charter as the principal instruments for the defense of democracy in the Americas. They also confirm the collective commitment to ensuring electoral integrity in Member States through electoral observation missions (EOM).

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