Trump’s victory in Florida wasn’t because of his newfound hardline Cuba policy
Myths about Trump’s victory in Florida persist. Will the false narrative of Cuban-American voters shape the anticipated changes to U.S.-Cuba policy?
Myths about Trump’s victory in Florida persist. Will the false narrative of Cuban-American voters shape the anticipated changes to U.S.-Cuba policy?
The spectacular collapse of President Michelle Bachelet’s popularity and generational divisions among Chilean voters have opened up the 28-year democracy’s party system with unknown consequences for this year’s presidential elections.
Conventional wisdom is that the pendulum has swung away from the left and back to the right. Such a view, though, misses the complex positions politicians, governments and voters are taking across the political spectrum.
Drawing from recent research, a new book argues that the flurry of recent innovations for “direct democracy”—from recall referenda to plebiscites—despite positive potential, also pose new risks to democratic governance.
Here are our 10 most-read articles from 2016. Some of the most popular topics: China, populism, Nicaragua, Haiti, Venezuela, new coups and fake coups, and the “science” of U.S. foreign policy making. Did your favorites make the list?
El período de transición entre gobiernos suele ser un momento fundacional en el cual los presidentes-electos dejan de lado la retórica de campaña para enviar un mensaje unificador. Pero Donald Trump, fiel a su estilo controversial, está manejando la transición como si aún estuviera en campaña.
With the incoming Trump administration, nothing will be “as expected.” Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be unpredictable. Let’s just hope that’s it.
The breakdown of the Vatican/UNASUR dialogue in Venezuela was totally predictable. Dialogue is still the key to peacefully resolving the crisis in Venezuela, but it must have teeth to punish noncompliance.
The United States has chosen an outsider populist president. Latin America has ample experience with such leaders. Here are four warning signs U.S. citizens, civil society and policy makers need to be on the look out for.
Given his inflammatory remarks about Latin American citizens and its immigrants, Global Americans did some digging on who’s advising Donald Trump on his Latin America policy. It’s no one you’ve ever heard of.