IX Summit of the Americas: Creative Diplomacy for a Fractured World
The IX Summit of the Americas shows the way forward for conducting a resilient diplomacy in a divided world.
The IX Summit of the Americas shows the way forward for conducting a resilient diplomacy in a divided world.
Korea can play a constructive role in Latin America and the Caribbean as a partner committed to democracy and rule of law in countries where relationships with the U.S. and other Western countries are strained.
There are a surprising number of feasible items that Summit leaders can push, especially in considering the importance of the creative and orange economies.
My time as a U.S. diplomat in Cuba during the Obama thaw of 2015-17 showed me what was possible to achieve when diplomacy was given a chance to work.
Ayudar a Ecuador a negociar un canje de deuda por naturaleza y construir una relación comercial centrada en el medio ambiente deberían ser dos de los muchos enfoques novedosos de la administración de Biden.
Helping Ecuador negotiate a debt-for-nature swap and building environment-centered trade ties should be two of the United States’ many novel approaches ahead of the Summit of the Americas.
Oil wealth must be used as an instrument to push equitable development. It is crucial that the offshore oil industry brings lasting benefits to the future generations of underserved communities.
President Lacalle Pou hoped that his referendum victory would offer him more time, as well as a stronger mandate, to pursue a series of reforms, including on social security, that are key to reducing Uruguay’s high public spending.
Yes, the rising sea levels might only affect offshore drilling operations minimally. But the rising waters and other manifestations of climate change disrupt habitation and the normal conduct of political, economic, and social business within those societies, such that having the wealth could be of little consequence for the people there.
With the Biden administration enjoying a more productive relationship with the AMLO administration than its predecessor, now is the time for President Biden to sign an MNNA agreement.