Chile: 50 Years On

In Chile, the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the coup that toppled President Salvador Allende has reignited the national conversation about the legacies of both Allende and his successor, General Augusto Pinochet.

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Migrant and Refugee Integration in Cities across the Americas

The common denominator that emerges from the analysis is that these cities have been creating positive innovations to provide protection and better opportunities for the populations settled in their territories. It is precisely these positive innovations of receiving, protecting, and integrating that should be replicated and promoted at the hemispheric level.

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Ecuador: The Next Domino to Fall to Autocracy?

The U.S. and other like-minded democracies have an obligation to assist Ecuador in combatting criminality while preserving essential civil liberties. Enduring democratic leadership in Ecuador and the world will have to bring both effective law enforcement and civil liberties to douse the fire.

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Let It Be: A Great Song, but an Ineffective Policy Approach

China’s expanding presence, particularly in South America, raises concerns as China strengthens ties and influence through financial dependence, investments in critical minerals, vaccine diplomacy (especially during the COVID-19 pandemic), and cultural propaganda. By strategically increasing its involvement, China could hinder the United States’ ability to project influence in the region.

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The Advance of China and Authoritarian Populism in Honduras

In Latin America, it is strategically important that the United States distinguish between principled left-oriented democratic regimes versus those which seek to manage the alarm of Washington and Western investors as they pursue a fundamentally anti-democratic, anti-market, anti-U.S. course. It is time for Washington to recognize that the Honduran regime of Xiomara Castro, Mel Zelaya, and their Libre movement, are on the latter path.

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Quatro Lições da Primeira Cúpula das Cidades das Américas

De grandes metrópoles como o Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil, e a Cidade do México, no México, a municípios menores como Peñalolén, no Chile, e Upala, na Costa Rica, as cidades têm a chave para resolver algumas das maiores ameaças que enfrentamos atualmente nas Américas e em todo o mundo.

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