About the Program

Global Americans provides leading independent, non-partisan coverage of economics, trade, and development across the Americas. Our research and analysis on the subject draws from experts across the region and informs the work of government officials, business executives, journalists, educators, students, and others interested in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Editor's Picks
Explaining and Predicting: The Americas Act, U.S.-Latin America Trade, and Countering China
This explainer examines regional incentives, reactions, and beneficiaries of this landmark effort to reinvigorate hemispheric trade.
Boric’s Lithium Strategy: Will It Backfire?
While increased state participation in Chile's lithium industry aims to maximize national benefits, the potential downsides must not be overlooked.
Will the EU-Mercosur Deal Survive the New European Parliament?
With the polls closed and final votes counted, the new composition of the European Parliament could determine the long-awaited fate of the EU-Mercosur agreement.
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Understanding the Venezuela-Guyana Controversy: Exploring the Geopolitical Implications

Chile's Constitutional Rewrite: A Global Americans Explainer

Analyzing Argentina's Presidential Elections: A Global Americans Explainer


Javier Milei’s ‘CEO Diplomacy’: Will It Boost FDI in Argentina?
A more pragmatic foreign policy should be coupled with structural reforms in the macro-level and appropriate incentives for specific sectors for Argentina to become ...
Explaining and Predicting the Impact of Student Protests Across the Americas: Finding a Balance
This explainer explores the varying scales and tactics of these protests and what they signify for their countries and the broader hemisphere.
Paraguay: A Promising Government Navigating a Perilous Path
The greatest gift that Cartes can give the country and President Peña is to empower Peña to take the real and symbolic steps to frontally ...

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