Ongoing Projects
Crucial Issues in the U.S.-CARICOM Relationship
Amid mounting crises ranging from the climate emergency to the fragility of the global economy, the Caribbean region remains extremely vulnerable to exogenous shocks. Despite significant efforts to bolster resilience, the effects of extreme weather events, rising food and energy prices, and a lagging economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic still pose a significant challenge to the region. As a result, building resilience requires strong political leadership, effective governance strategies, and reliable international partners. The United States, as one of CARICOM’s leading international development partners, has an important role to play as a partner to the Caribbean region. This project expands upon Global Americans’ previous programmatic successes, establishing an authoritative space for U.S. and Caribbean representatives to collaboratively shape the hemisphere’s agenda by shining a light on crucial, under-addressed issues in the U.S.-CARICOM relationship.

Promoting Racial Equality and Inclusion in the U.S.-Colombia Relationship
The Latin America and Caribbean region has long been considered one of the most unequal regions in the world. In 2020, Colombia was the most unequal country in the region. Afro- descendants have long faced discrimination and exclusion in the Americas. Despite efforts to promote racial justice in Colombia, Afro-Colombians continue to face high levels of discrimination. While important measures to support racial justice were incorporated into the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement, progress on this front remains slow. Through the production of reports, op-eds, and events on racial justice in Colombia, Global Americans will deepen conversations about these dynamics in an effort to identify best practices for combatting racial inequalities and promote the inclusion of racial justice initiatives in the U.S.-Colombia relationship. To do this, Global Americans will launch a High-Level Working Group on Afro-Colombian Inclusion and generate knowledge and resources on racial justice in Colombia. Global Americans will also engage with the next generation of leaders in Colombia and the United States to bring racial justice to the forefront of efforts to modernize the U.S.-Colombia relationship.

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