Chinese Engagement in Guyana: An Update

In Guyana, as in other parts of Latin America, the United States should not attempt to block the government or others from doing business with the PRC and its companies, but rather, to continue to insist on transparency, the rule of law, and competent government institutions.

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Governance and electoral continuity and change in the Caribbean

The Caribbean has long enjoyed a reputation for being one of the most democratic regions in the world. Despite the Caribbean’s seeming confidence in the ballot, however, countries in the region nevertheless face considerable challenges in keeping their democracies alive. Elections alone do not make a democracy; rather, there are many other factors that must be taken into consideration in order to ensure good governance.

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Guyana’s final hurdle

With the electoral crisis nearing its end, things appeared to be heading in the right direction for Guyana. But recent statements from the APNU+AFC coalition put the entire process at risk.

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Guyana’s fading opportunities

A major electoral crisis in Guyana has put its newfound regional influence, as a result of incoming oil wealth, and its relations with other Caribbean countries on the line.

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