Caribbean: 2030 Trends

The reports examine five specific areas—transnational security challenges, institutional capacity, economic growth, demographics, and technology—and how they will shape politics, economic and U.S. relations in the Caribbean by 2030.

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Haiti: The elements of a crisis

Since late 2017 the Haitian government has appeared dangerously rudderless in a number of different policy areas, unable to overcome key challenges. Patience at home and abroad may be wearing thin.

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Liberated Haiti: thirty years after Duvalier

Thirty years after the Jean-Claude Duvalier fled Haiti, the Caribbean island country has been plagued by political upheaval, autocracy, and corruption. Now, though, after yet another electoral debacle, the international community has a rare opportunity to support the Haitian people, rather than an imperfect, temporary way out of a crisis.

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