Goldfajn to Lead IDB

On Sunday, the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) board of governors elected Brazil’s Ilan Goldfajn as the president of the hemisphere’s premier financial institution.

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B3W and BRI in LAC: Five steps for healthy competition

Earlier this summer, leaders of the G7 launched the Build Back Better World (B3W) partnership, promising to develop high-quality, sustainable, and transparent infrastructure around the world. The U.S. has framed the B3W as a form of “strategic competition with China” and an answer to China’s infamous Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

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Capitalizing on COVID-19’s digital potential in Latin America

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that the future is digital. As a result, it has highlighted the transformative power of technology for Latin America and the Caribbean, and accelerated its digital transformation, not only in leading start-up markets like Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, but throughout the entire region.

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