Much Ado About Nothing: Accurately Assessing Lula’s Recent International Overtures

In a global economy shaped by inflationary trends, energy shortages, and market instability, Lula’s domestic success will depend to a significant degree on his international achievements. While Bolsonaro obscured the relevance of country in the global arena, Lula expanded Brazil’s presence in the early 2000s by enlarging the list of economic partner and diversifying strategic partnerships, particularly in the global South.

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Lula 3.0: Retos para la gobernabilidad

Es innegable la voluntad de Lula de apaciguar el bolsonarismo y reconciliar el país para transformar la dura realidad social. Desafortunadamente, de momento, esta labor no estará libre de obstáculos.

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Lula Wins Brazil’s Runoff Elections

After the victory, Lula addressed Brazilians and made clear that “they want more freedom, equality, and fraternity in our country,” adding that “I will govern for 215 million Brazilians and not just for those who voted for me.”

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Brazil is Back

Brazil is well placed to use its diplomatic service to knit together Latin America and the Caribbean in ways that other countries cannot.

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Brazil’s Looming Presidential Election

Considering the level of passion from Bolsonaro supporters and the large number of Brazilians who dislike the president, Brazil could remain a highly polarized country and runs the risk of slipping into a political landscape where groups from the left and right express themselves more forcibly through non-constitutional means.

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