A Global Americans Interview with Richard E. Feinberg

The following interview between Global Americans’ Executive Director Guy Mentel and Richard E. Feinberg took place this week, in light of recent and upcoming trips to Central America from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Vice President Kamala Harris. The purpose of this interview was to glean insight from Mr. Feinberg as an expert with decades of engagement with inter-American relations, and evaluate the Biden administration’s leading agenda items: migration, corruption, foreign investment, and more.

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Private sector involvement is key for Colombia to meet its environmental goals

The Colombian government has hinted at its interest in attracting the private sector to collaborate on its plans for energy transition, green growth, and environmental protection, but has not yet spent the time and political capital that will be necessary to get industrial interests on board. Will President Duque seize the moment? And will the private sector take the lead or take a backseat, waiting until Colombia’s political environment changes?

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El Desafío Multidimensional de Perú – Parte 2: la crisis económica, inseguridad pública, y crimen organizado

Los desafíos de seguridad de Perú varían desde la expansión de la producción de coca, la minería ilegal y las actividades madereras, hasta una amenaza terrorista pequeña pero persistente, un nuevo centro criminal emergente en la frontera trinacional con Brasil y Colombia, y una creciente inseguridad pública en el contexto de la salud y crisis socioeconómica creada por la pandemia COVID-19.

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Honduran military culture

The Honduran Armed Forces are the most trusted state institution in Honduras. Since Honduras’ transition to democracy, the armed forces have diminished in size, but not in responsibility.

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