Much ado about nothing
Trump’s grandiose announcement of a drastic change in US policy toward Cuba is far from the truth — he has barely changed anything
Trump’s grandiose announcement of a drastic change in US policy toward Cuba is far from the truth — he has barely changed anything
Much of the Trump administration’s America First agenda is at risk thanks to the development assistance cuts it has proposed. Let’s hope Congress reverses them.
In addressing the root causes of migration, building allies, developing markets, and advancing U.S. interests, the Inter-American Foundation provides the best return on U.S. investment in Latin America. Yet the Trump administration wants to end it.
Soon — maybe as early as Friday — President Donald Trump, with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, is expected to announce a presidential initiative that will roll back the Obama-era efforts that loosened the 56-year-old United States embargo on Cuba. How far will the president go?
Ante un Estados Unidos cada vez mas retraído de América Latina, el liderazgo de China en el plano comercial es incuestionable. Pero ¿será suficiente para penetrar la arena política? Alemania tiene un as bajo la manga que ya empezó a hacerlo jugar.
The US president’s style, deviating attention away from his reforms and toward controversy, should remind any careful observer of the late Venezuelan leader
Reforms intended to promote openness in Cuba are about to be rolled back. But is this the administration with the moral authority to do it?
President Trump and Vice President Pence have promised to reverse the Obama-era US-Cuba policy changes. South Florida Congressman Diaz Balart weighed in with his memo of proposed changes. Here is the text.
Under President Trump’s expansion of the Global Gag Rule, foreign NGOs that provide information about or support abortion are banned from receiving any form of U.S. global health assistance. The effects will extend beyond the right to choose.
Pan-hemispheric solidarity and unity has long been a dream of independence fighters, politicians, academics and dreamers. Given the state of the Americas today, you can forget about it.