What’s next for Turkey? Possible scenarios in light of examples from Latin America
The failure of the MUD coalition in its struggle with the Maduro regime in Venezuela offers stark warning signs for the Turkish opposition.
The failure of the MUD coalition in its struggle with the Maduro regime in Venezuela offers stark warning signs for the Turkish opposition.
We watched the confirmation hearings for the top diplomatic post in the Americas so you don’t have to. Among the highlights are exchanges on TPS, strengthening the OAS, and the crisis in Nicaragua.
In 2018, PDVSA’s production capacity dipped to its lowest level since 1950. It’s the nadir of a debacle that has escalated under Maduro but started under Chávez.
The power players of the Americas were unified in their criticism of Venezuela, but they were challenged by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Arreaza at every turn.
With a surprising abstention from Uruguay, and an even more surprising vote in favor from the Dominican Republic, the draft resolution on Venezuela got 19 votes, one more than was needed to pass.
Like their conservative predecessors, left-leaning presidents in Latin America have shown a tendency to fall for the vice of corruption. Recent studies argue the causes stem from more than just an absence of ethics but also high levels of inequality.
Many Latin American states recognize the appeal of national space programs, even if they lack the capital and material capacity to develop them. For many, space represents yet another tool for development.
From refusals to recognize the Venezuelan elections and new sanctions from democracies around the world, to shows of support from like-minded regimes, the international community has started to react to Maduro’s consolidation of power.
While Pakistan might not seem like a natural comparison for Latin America, one notable similarity exists: massive Chinese lending.
Multilateral isolation efforts against illiberal regimes like the Maduro government in Venezuela must be mindful of its limits given the emerging support network of a coalition of like-minded autocratic regimes.