Sobre Venezuela y el Mercosur
Pasar o no la presidencia del bloque podría ser insignificante, pero no lo es cuando se trata de un gobierno como el de Maduro.
Pasar o no la presidencia del bloque podría ser insignificante, pero no lo es cuando se trata de un gobierno como el de Maduro.
Mercosur desde hace años dista mucho de cumplir con su objetivo fundacional de ser una proyecto de integración económica que contribuya con el desarrollo de
Beyond a few nice sounding phrases and curious omissions, the Democratic Party platform mentions Trump more than it mentions Latin America.
Yes, I get the comparison in terms of their rhetorical styles. But the caricature of Chávez as just an uncouth blowhard is downright insulting to Venezuelans who now live with his toxic legacy.
In Venezuela, Honduras, Egypt, and—most recently—Turkey, the armed forces have pointed to violations of the constitution by sitting, elected presidents as the justification for a coup. But are coups ever constitutional?
Andrés Cañizález regresaba a Venezuela de un viaje a Costa Rica y nos cuenta sobre las vicisitudes y contratiempos de su ingreso al país.
When Venezuelans elected Hugo Chavez president in 1998 they wanted a revolution. Instead, what they got was the 1970s and all its social, economic and political ills all over again, but this time on steroids.
It didn’t seem like much at first—the vote to approve the agenda at June 23 meeting of the OAS Permanent Council. But behind the scenes, Venezuela had been trying to head off a discussion over the state of its democracy. It lost, and with some interesting defections.
So this is what the Pendejo Sin Frontera defense of the revolution has come to: sure, things in Venezuela are bad, but it’s not cataclysmic. That’s what passes for regime propaganda abroad these days.
Did I miss something? No collective call for dialogue, not even a meeting wrap up by the Ambassador from Argentina. Just a call for lunch. Does that make the whole endeavor of convening the Permanent Council to discuss Venezuela a bust? Hardly.