A Feminist Democracy for Venezuela
All public policy, humanitarian support, investment efforts, state reforms should have a cross-cutting feminist perspective aimed at strengthening society.
All public policy, humanitarian support, investment efforts, state reforms should have a cross-cutting feminist perspective aimed at strengthening society.
Es más, toda política pública, apoyo humanitario, esfuerzos de inversión y/o reformas de Estado debe contar con una perspectiva feminista transversal cuyo objetivo sea fortalecer a la sociedad.
In Latin America, International Women’s Month focused heavily on issues related to femicide and gender-based violence. On March 8, International Women’s Day saw large, defiant gatherings and protests against gender violence and inequality. In the weeks that followed, continued protests, reports, and court cases capped off a year in which COVID-19 profoundly affected women across the region.
As this November 25 passes, the loss of the Mirabal sisters holds a prominent weight that has stood the test of time. These lost sisters, and their iconic symbol of the butterfly, have become woven into the Latin American feminist movement as people honored their cause in the “march of the butterflies” on the anniversary of their deaths.
Nominated as a member of Global Americans’ New Generation of Public Intellectuals, we met with Mariana Costa Checa before her participation as a panelist at the III CEO Summit of the Americas to about her role at Laboratoria and women’s empowerment in the tech world.
Two competing norms have emerged on the treatment of women in modern society. In times of such social polarization we are rehashing once-settled issue. It’s not clear which side will win.
On the surface, Latin America may look like an exception to rising gender-based violence and femicide around the world, given the region’s ratification of international conventions to protect women. Yet too many Latin American states are
lagging behind in actually implementing these measures at home
Under President Trump’s expansion of the Global Gag Rule, foreign NGOs that provide information about or support abortion are banned from receiving any form of U.S. global health assistance. The effects will extend beyond the right to choose.
The Mexican government has pushed the political participation of indigenous women. Has it gone too far?
Violence against women is a pervasive reality in the Americas. While the state has a primary responsibility in providing protection to women, what role do regular citizens play in the normalization of gender violence?