The new Russian engagement with Latin America

The monograph, written by R. Evan Ellis, is a detailed examination of Russia's contemporary military, political and economic activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, including an analysis of the strategic implications for the U.S. and the region, as well as recommendations for U.S. policymakers.


Beginning in 2008, the Russian Federation began a concerted effort to re-establish its political, economic, and military presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. Although the level of Russian trade and investment in the region is modest by comparison with that of the U.S., Europe, and even China, Russia’s engagement with the region has openly challenged U.S security interests in the region in a way that the activities of other extra-hemispheric actors in the region have not.

The present 138-page monograph, written by R. Evan Ellis, is a detailed examination of Russia’s contemporary military, political and economic activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, including an analysis of the strategic implications for the U.S. and the region, as well as recommendations for U.S. policymakers.

It is designed to fill a gap in the literature as the first monograph-length, country-by-country assessment of Russian engagement in the region published in the English language.

The article may be accessed and downloaded in PDF form through the website of the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute.

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