Becas, gratuidad o acceso igualitario

Veinte meses después de iniciado el mandato, el gobierno no sabe de cuántos recursos dispondrá para financiar su promesa de gratuidad y, en consecuencia, tampoco sabe cuántos alumnos se podrán beneficiar ni cómo se implementará el nuevo sistema de gratuidad universal en la educación superior chilena.

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Easier to win than to govern

It will be far easier for the opposition to remove Maduro from the presidency than to put Venezuela back on the path of economic growth and democratic consolidation. The opposition needs to go from unity based on what it stands against to designing a road map which can earn the hearts and minds of Venezuelans who are looking for someone else to take charge.

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Here’s how the opposition got a two-thirds majority in Venezuela

The big news out of Venezuela’s Dec. 6 legislative elections is the victory of the opposition United Democratic Roundtable (MUD) over the incumbent United Socialist Party (PSUV) of President Nicolás Maduro. But how did the MUD achieve this landslide win in an electoral environment widely regarded as stacked in favor of the PSUV? A variety of factors were at play, and the MUD caught some remarkable breaks.

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Latest from Latin Pulse – December 11th

Religion and politics, the so-called taboo subjects provide the central themes for Latin Pulse this week. The program provides a preview of Cuba’s favorite religious celebration, the feast day of San Lazaro. The program also goes in-depth on reaction to the surprising landslide win of opposition groups in Venezuela in that country’s Congressional elections.

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Postcard from Cuba

Cuba is experiencing a wave of U.S. “unofficial” tourism. Even as the hidebound communist regimes claims it isn’t looking for U.S. investment, the contact with tourists and U.S. communications are changing Cuba from the bottom up.

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Promoviendo derechos humanos en Cuba: la odisea de Hablemos Press

Ser un periodista es peligroso en varias partes de Latinoamérica. La mayoría de los corresponsales de Talking Press, una de las pocas agencias independientes de noticias en Cuba, han pasado tiempo en prisión, o han sido víctimas de agresiones por parte del gobierno. Los periodistas saben que por culpa de su oficio se están arriesgado diariamente a ello, o a cosas peores inclusive.

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