Tick tock, tick tock
Last week, the chavista electoral council (CNE) indefinitely suspended the recall referendum process and postponed regional elections that were supposed to take place in December. Venezuela is now a time bomb.
Last week, the chavista electoral council (CNE) indefinitely suspended the recall referendum process and postponed regional elections that were supposed to take place in December. Venezuela is now a time bomb.
Access to the U.S. market and proximity have led to the development of an array of regional value chains in Central American economies. But with the right policies more can be done. Here are some examples.
Venezuela isn’t a cheesy soft-porn novel. The international community has to realize there are no shades of gray in Venezuela anymore. For all its flaws, one side is democratic; the other is just plain autocratic.
Con la eliminación del referendo revocatorio y la postergación de las elecciones regionales, el chavismo confirmó lo que la mayoría de los venezolanos ya sabía: Maduro buscará perpetrarse en el poder por todos los medios.
Los casos de Márquez y San Miguel pasarán a ser emblemáticos. Ha ocurrido un cambio en el manejo de los presos políticos en Venezuela. Estos jóvenes fueron puestos en libertad con la condición de que salieran al exilio.
Contrary to those who say we don’t make things anymore and that all our jobs are being shipped offshore, the truth is that manufacturing is the largest industry by far for foreign investors, with chemicals being the leading sector.
While President Bachelet’s Nueva Mayoria coalition lost the October 23 local elections, the greatest challenge for all candidates and parties in next year’s general election will be overcoming the high levels of voter apathy and anger witnessed this round.
A quantitative analysis of China’s commercial and diplomatic relations with Latin America indicates that Beijing may be engaged in a more consistent strategy to check U.S. influence than many thought.
Trump’s desire to scrap or unilaterally change NAFTA would upset the supply-chain economy as Canadians and Americans know it.
Acabo de volver a ver en Youtube el vídeo de Alfredo Peña, en su campaña camino a la alcaldía metropolitana en el año 2000. “Plomo cerrado al hampa. Que se pudran en la cárcel”, fue el lema completo del recientemente fallecido periodista y ex alcalde de Caracas. Aquello se sintetizó luego, y aún recuerdo el grafiti en alguna que otra pared de la capital, como “plomo al hampa”. Frase símbolo devenida hoy en política de Estado de la mano del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro.