In Honduras, a divided opposition will likely struggle in this year’s elections
As the November presidential elections approach in Honduras, the opposition appears too divided to defeat an unpopular incumbent.
As the November presidential elections approach in Honduras, the opposition appears too divided to defeat an unpopular incumbent.
Venezuela’s Maduro will either fall under pressure and call off Sunday’s election, or he’ll ignore the threats and go ahead with his Constituent Assembly.
De la dictadura de Robert Mugabe en Zimbabue, sintetizo tres mensajes que pueden tener eco en la Venezuela de hoy.
On the surface, Latin America may look like an exception to rising gender-based violence and femicide around the world, given the region’s ratification of international conventions to protect women. Yet too many Latin American states are
lagging behind in actually implementing these measures at home
Venezuela is approaching a pivotal moment this weekend. Has the U.S. ceded too much leadership in the region to make a difference?
La complacencia con el régimen de Nicolás Maduro se transformó en complicidad
Given the serious violation of human rights in Venezuela, it’s time truly democratic governments consider abandoning CELAC to defend democracy in Latin America.
No Estado do Rio, apenas nos cinco primeiros meses do ano, houve quase três mil crimes violentos letais intencionais. Até o momento, 89 policiais foram mortos. O número de roubos explodiu, assim como o de tiroteios diários e o medo da população. O que aconteceu? Há saídas?
Progress in corruption cases should be applauded, but not every leader implicated in wrongdoing is being prosecuted
No escribo una reseña, tampoco es un resumen del libro de Jackson, simplemente comparto los asuntos que me parecieron medulares leyendo aquellos sucesos desde Venezuela, en julio de 2017.