Avoiding the Thucydides Trap: The South American example
Why the shifting power balances between Brazil and Argentina didn’t result in the conflict identified more than 2,500 years ago by Thucydides.
Why the shifting power balances between Brazil and Argentina didn’t result in the conflict identified more than 2,500 years ago by Thucydides.
This month, Global Americans honors the environmental activists that risk their lives to speak out against extraction projects that put environments and communities at risk in Latin America.
In Sunday’s primary elections, Argentine voters rejected a return to Peronism, and bet on Macri’s Cambiemos coalition for a second time.
La estrategia de polarización que promueve el Gobierno de Bachelet en torno al eje autoritarismo-democracia probablemente no va a funcionar. Pero la estrategia de convertir la segunda vuelta en un referéndum sobre el ex Presidente bien pudiera funcionar.
Desde el plebiscito de 1988, la Concertación/Nueva Mayoría ha recurrido a la división autoritarismo-democracia cada vez que corre riesgos de perder una elección. Por eso, el Gobierno ha anunciado que ordenará el cierre del penal de Punta Peuco, donde cumplen sentencia decenas de violadores a los derechos humanos. Lamentablemente para la izquierda, el efecto de esa herramienta es cada menos útil.
In Latin America Vice President Pence finds himself in a role now familiar to many White House officials: telling leaders abroad that they should ignore his boss’ bluster. Truth is there’s often little change from the past.
Yes, Pence is trying to clear up the damage done by President Trump’s clumsy remarks. But let’s not lose sight of the countries the vice president is visiting and the vice president’s rhetoric on his listening tour—even after he cut it short.
La fuerza política del presidente Mauricio Macri se consolida en las elecciones primarias. ¿Podrá repetir este mismo triunfo en las proximas elecciones generales?
A leaked transcript of a phone call between Trump and Mexico’s Peña Nieto revealed the border wall was not the most important topic on Trump’s agenda.
In the past decade, journalism has become a deadly profession in Latin America. Attacks on freedom of expression aren’t restricted to journalists; human rights and environmental activists have been targets as well.