Toss paper towel rolls, save Puerto Rico
If only disaster relief was as easy as tossing paper towels at people in need, the crisis in Puerto Rico would have been resolved the moment Trump tossed the first roll.
If only disaster relief was as easy as tossing paper towels at people in need, the crisis in Puerto Rico would have been resolved the moment Trump tossed the first roll.
The Puerto Rico I was born and raised in is disappearing. A massive exodus of people is occurring as a result of the federal government’s weak response to the hurricane.
Como la Presidenta Bachelet parece haberse resignado a tener que entregarle la banda presidencial a Piñera por segunda vez, la coalición gobernante necesita un líder que pueda frenar el retorno de la derecha al poder. El ex Presidente Ricardo Lagos puede ocupar ese papel.
Estar tanto tiempo en el poder parece llevar a los políticos a perder sintonía con lo que quiere la ciudadanía. La Presidenta no entendió que gastarse 30 millones de pesos en un viaje innecesario es una mala idea en tiempos de vacas flacas y cuando las personas creen que los políticos se preocupan más de ellos mismos que de las necesidades de la gente común.
Si algún saldo dejó la votación de este 15 de octubre en Venezuela, para escoger gobernadores, ha sido la claridad en la senda que tomó el chavismo. Dinamitando la posibilidad de una salida electoral (al desconocer flagrantemente el voto popular), en medio de la severa crisis y el gran descontento popular que levanta, el chavismo se cierra sobre sí mismo.
Despite progress in institution building and affirmative action, political parties have failed to recruit indigenous leaders, indigenous congressional initiatives remained stalled, and Mexico still lacks laws to implement ILO 169.
The Maduro government refused to invite standard, professional election observation groups to monitor Sunday’s balloting. Instead a previously unknown group, CEELA, showed up to praise the process. Who are they?
Climate change is driving an increasing number of Latin Americans northwards toward Mexico and to the United States.
The latest round of NAFTA negotiations began on Wednesday the 11th and the theme of this week’s talks was “America first” and the U.S. demand for more U.S.-made content.
A dos anos da pior tragédia ambiental de sua história, o Brasil continua com um modelo irresponsável de embalses da indústria mineira.