Mexico vs U.S.
While AMLO and his administration work hard to pass off as a government that puts human rights at the forefront of their agenda, their immigration policy tells another story.
While AMLO and his administration work hard to pass off as a government that puts human rights at the forefront of their agenda, their immigration policy tells another story.
El calendario del proceso electoral —que se superpone con el calendario electoral de las contiendas municipales, regionales, legislativas y presidenciales de 2020 y 2021— nos recuerda que el Acuerdo por la Paz Social y la Nueva Constitución se redactó apresuradamente entre gallos y medianoche.
Sunday’s poll confirmed the fragmentation of Peruvian politics and an anti-establishment mood among voters.
The deterioration in relations between the two countries is worth noting as it reflects the Cold War-like atmosphere that is increasingly enveloping the Americas.
En contraste con lo que ocurría en muchas realidades latinoamericanas y caribeñas, Venezuela tenía entonces una democracia bien valorada
Looking ahead, the year might not be an easy one for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro; the economy, institutional chaos, corruption and an opposition that could be reorganizing itself, among other issues, will give him more than just a headache.
With a six percent approval rating, Piñera will struggle to lead Chile through uncertain times.
On January 23, Transparency International released the 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index that measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption across 180 countries. Unfortunately, Latin America and the Caribbean made little-to-no progress.
Sabiamente, un dicho en inglés dice que el diablo está en los detalles. El apresurado diseño de la propuesta del proceso constituyente muestra que, cuando las cosas no se planifican bien, aumenta la posibilidad de que el resultado decepcione. Porque nadie razonable emprende en una aventura a sabiendas que la hoja de ruta está mal planificada, el diseño del proceso constituyente es una poderosa razón para votar “Rechazo”.
El líder opositor y la comunidad internacional no han logrado echar a Maduro del poder. ¿Qué ha camabiado, y qué es lo que vendrá?