Cristina’s laundering machine



In Argentina this week a judge froze Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s (CFK) assets.  The step was taken as a prosecutor investigates charges concerning the mishandling of U.S. dollars in futures market. But this is hardly the only headache the former president has right now.  She is also being investigated for money laundering through her hotels in Patagonia. And a number of her former ministers and government officials are under indictment or investigation, including one of them in a-stranger-than-fiction story in which he was tossing bags stuffed with $8 million and guns into a monastery.

On another ironic note, CFK, who famously imposed restrictions on the purchase on foreign currency during her government,yesterday declared that she dollarized her savings (which she had converted to pesos in 2012). “Who knows what these people are doing with the economy?” she said.  From the looks of it, it’s likely to be a lot more transparent than hers, which famously gutted the state statistics office and claimed that printing money did not cause inflation.

Cartoon credit: Rayma Suprani
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