U.S.-Cuba policy change advocates: This is your ally?
Reforms intended to promote openness in Cuba are about to be rolled back. But is this the administration with the moral authority to do it?
Reforms intended to promote openness in Cuba are about to be rolled back. But is this the administration with the moral authority to do it?
A bipartisan bill from the U.S. Congress does what the Venezuelan government and others should have done long ago: offer assistance to its long-suffering citizens. Maduro isn’t likely to accept, but will other countries step up?
Many knew where Venezuela was heading long ago, even as early as the 1999 election of the Constituent Assembly. So why wasn’t the regional community more prepared?
Don’t be fooled. President Maduro’s call for UN help in addressing Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis—of the government’s own making—is just another in a long line of distracting tactics.
President’s vow to roll back Obama-era opening must be taken seriously.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s disrespect for the Mexican president and his ugly attacks against immigrants and—by implication—Latin American citizens have given Latin American leaders like Rafael Correa and Danilo Medina a moral platform they don’t deserve.
Some of the people slated to enter the administration have made a career peddling theories of Islamist threats in our hemisphere. There are genuine reasons for concern, but not for the disproven assertions many have been pitching for years.
Dos años después de que Obama relajó el embargo de Estados Unidos sobre Cuba y normalizó las relaciones, ¿están esas políticas a punto de ser revertidas por la administración de Trump?
Two years after Obama loosened the U.S. embargo on Cuba and normalized relations are those policies about to be rolled back by a Trump administration?
Why are opponents of Venezuelan and Cuban dictators willing to overlook the troubling traits of a U.S. president-elect they hope will advance their own narrow policy preferences?