Honduras – Innovation in the fight against gangs and narcotrafficking

The approach chosen by Honduras to combat gangs and narcotics trafficking is not perfect. Yet despite its military character and the unrelated, but distracting, political crisis currently faced by the Hernández government, the Honduran approach to the nation’s overwhelming security challenges is creative, credible, and home-grown.

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Venezuela’s “9-Dash-Line” in the Caribbean

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has resurrected century-old land claims over two-thirds of neighboring Guyana and its corresponding maritime borders. Venezuela’s aggressive efforts are a direct challenge to the hemisphere’s traditions of rule of law and diplomacy. The U.S. and other neighbors need to step up their condemnation of Venezuela’s aggression and urge a diplomatic solution.

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The new Russian engagement with Latin America

The monograph, written by R. Evan Ellis, is a detailed examination of Russia’s contemporary military, political and economic activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, including an analysis of the strategic implications for the U.S. and the region, as well as recommendations for U.S. policymakers.

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Time to talk about India and Latin America

While much of the media and policy attention has focused on China, Russia and Iran’s involvement in the region—often with handwringing or finger pointing—India has become a player in its own right. Unlike China, the South Asian giant’s economic interests and practices in the region are more compatible to Latin American economies and development.

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Should the U.S. be worried about Chinese arms sales in the region?

China has increased the sale of sophisticated weapons systems to Latin America and the Caribbean, mostly–though not exclusively–to countries opposed to the United States. With it has come other forms of military cooperation between China and its new customers. Should the U.S. be worried? If so, what can it do about it?

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