Best of 2015-2016

Global Americans/ is 1 year old! To celebrate this admittedly minor milestone, the editors picked over our contributions from the past 12 months and chose our favorites.


year1Global Americans/ is 1 year old!  To celebrate this admittedly minor (according to one source you’re not out of start-up phase until after 2 years) milestone, the editors picked over our contributions from the past 12 months and chose our favorites.  Here they are (in no particular order):

Brazil’s impeachment is not a coup by John Polga-Hecimovich

Evo Morales and the MAS’s future by Miguel Centellas

What about Paraguay? by Frank Mora

Latin America needs a plan to China’s Latin America plan by Kevin Gallagher

International regime building: the Trans Pacific Partnership by Evan Elis

The 2015 top 10 events in LGBT politics in Latin America and the Caribbean by Javier Corrales

Liberated Haiti: thirty years After Duvalier by Robert MaGuire

Obama’s lifted limp hand in (non)solidarity by Chris Sabatini

Can the Pacific Alliance and MERCOSUR bridge the hemispheric divide? by Barbara Kotschwar & Nicolas Albertoni

Why Obama’s trip to Argentina is more important than to Cuba by Mariano E. Bertucci

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