Colombia and the 2018 presidential elections
An overview to identify the candidates with most possibilities of running and the most feasible alliances vis-a-vis the electoral event in Colombia.
An overview to identify the candidates with most possibilities of running and the most feasible alliances vis-a-vis the electoral event in Colombia.
Freedom House reports once again on the state of global freedom. Sadly, the countries that suffered democratic setbacks outnumbered those that registered gains, marking 2017 as the 12th consecutive year of decline in global freedom. In Latin America the picture is not so bright either.
In an event hosted by the Canadian Council for the Americas, business leaders and expert scholars from the region offer an answer to the question: Will Latin America be able to maintain sustained economic growth as it enters an intense electoral cycle?
La inestabilidad en la península coreana, el incompensable accionar de Donald Trump en algunos frentes de la agenda internacional, la crisis global de refugiados aún irresuelta, y la próxima ola de elecciones, entre otros temas, hacen que sea casi imposible predecir qué deparará el año que comienza para América Latina.
Far from celebrating the wave of anti-corruption sentiment and investigations, we should fear for the future. The backlash could make the region a petri-dish for populism.
From Evangelicals on the political rise in Chile and Mexico to marriage equality in Bermuda (kind of) it’s been a mixed year for LGBTI rights.
A new report from the National Endowment for Democracy draws attention to creeping Chinese soft power in Latin America at a pivotal time for the region.
A breakdown of domestic performance and adherence to international treaties in the hemisphere.
Despite a quiet couple of years for Russian activity in the Americas, waning U.S. influence on multiple fronts could lead to an uptick in influence.
Recent events in Honduras and Bolivia show the corruption of institutions knows no ideological boundaries.