Entrevista con Guillermo Lasso Mendoza

Recientemente tuvimos la oportunidad de entrevistar a Guillermo Lasso Mendoza, uno de los candidatos para las próximas elecciones Ecuatorianas de 2017. El candidato Lasso lidera el Movimiento Político Creando Oportunidades ­(CREO). Fue candidato a la Presidencia del Ecuador por CREO en las elecciones de 2013 en las que se convirtió en la segunda fuerza política del país.

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The road to Colombia’s complete peace: Next up ELN

Colombia’s remaining guerrilla group, the ELN, is finally coming to the negotiating table. But the government is in a very different negotiating position with the ELN than with FARC, a point reflected in the vague, poorly worded negotiation agreement announced March 30th.

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The new kids on the bloc: UNASUR and CELAC

The net effect of these new bodies has been to create parallel forums more favorable to the interests of autocrats. That may be OK for Venezuela and others, but why are Brazil and other countries going along? And where are the media?

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