Climate Migration Necessitates Unified Leadership
As climate change radically shifts how and where we live, migration as an adaptation strategy is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon in a changing world.
As climate change radically shifts how and where we live, migration as an adaptation strategy is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon in a changing world.
El BCIE tiene la obligación… de contribuir proactivamente a la integración y el desarrollo de la región, en un marco democrático, inclusivo y de respeto a los derechos humanos. Pero para ello, son necesarias una serie de acciones:
Failure to push back on anti-democratic currents—as Peruvians well know—can result in only a mirage of the short-term stability that citizens deserve.
Nonetheless, with proper management, the growing presence of this nuisance macroalgae [sargassum] can present an opportunity by transforming it into a raw material for value-added products.
Surprisingly, China’s growing influence has not sprung a debate among Colombia’s academics, press, business leaders, and policymakers. The Colombian public ought to debate the relationship between Colombia and China…
While Panama’s government and security forces are responding constructively to the simultaneous challenges of narcotrafficking, crimes related to Panama’s role as an international logistics and finance hub, gang violence and insecurity, and massive migration flows, matters are arguably not getting better.
What happened during Trump and Bolsonaro’s tenures must be remembered as unusual cases, not as new paths their countries want to pursue. For this to happen, however, democratic forces must make a convincing case for protecting liberal democracy
Panama faces an increasingly grave, multidimensional security challenge, driven by the interacting dynamics of gangs and criminal insecurity, drug trafficking, money laundering, contraband goods, and migrant flows.
The Trinidadian-born author offers the supportable contention that leadership and institutions are crucial variables in the performance matrix of countries in the region.
Si bien las experiencias de otras autocracias y condiciones políticas actuales sugerirían que Maduro está abordando la corrupción de buena fe, la realidad es que estos esfuerzos anticorrupción reflejan una táctica autoritaria para consolidar más poder, reorganizar las redes de corrupción y redistribuir sus beneficios dentro del régimen.