How to Fix Maximum Pressure on Venezuela—An Insider’s Take
A more comprehensive, simultaneous, and agile [sanctions] effort to target regime members and enablers remains a powerful option to accelerate a political solution.
A more comprehensive, simultaneous, and agile [sanctions] effort to target regime members and enablers remains a powerful option to accelerate a political solution.
Uno pensaría que cualquier análisis de la contracción económica de Venezuela colocaría las sanciones económicas en un papel central.
One would think it should be self-evident that any account of Venezuela’s economic contraction would place economic sanctions in a central role.
With the right tactical and strategic modifications, sanctions, properly targeted, may be the best way to help return Venezuela, its resources, and its democracy to the Venezuelan people.
A depoliticized lens would afford the United States more room to be consistent, nuanced, and effective in its foreign policy with the region, supporting struggling democracies and seeking the sustainable democratic evolution of incipient criminalized states.
The ELN—Colombia’s largest active guerilla group—later replied with a statement issued on Tuesday claiming that they did not agree to such a ceasefire and clarified they would only analyze a ceasefire proposal during the ongoing negotiations.
For the Americas to ensure that its legacy of standing for democracy and human rights remains intact, leaders of all countries from across the political spectrum must stand together to call out their own allies when they need accountability the most.
[2022] was not an easy year for anyone. Unfortunately, we cannot say that 2023 will be any easier. Here are the top risks that Colombia will face in 2023.
A number of important achievements in the fight for LGBTQ rights took place in the region in 2022, especially in countries with lagging records in this area.
El Presidente ha decidido jugar con fuego. Veremos si esta acción, ahora o en 2025, es positiva o no para sus fines.